Dr. Linda-Ruth Salter, scientist
Dr. Linda-Ruth Salter was a pioneer in crossing discipline boundaries when she obtained a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies from Boston University in 1984. In her dissertation she examined the nature of sacred spaces in secular societies. Additional research showed the significance of place and spatial memory in maintaining group identity. Dr. Salter has consulted in the area of research and planning for a successful built environment in public housing, educational and business spaces, and has taught Urban Studies at Boston University. Presently she is Associate Professor in Humanities and Social Sciences at the New England Institute of Technology, where she fuses and integrates the fine arts, technology, and social science .
Dr. Blesser and Dr. Salter merged their collective knowledge and experience of the physical and social sciences to create the concepts of auditory spatial awareness and its manifestation as aural architecture. Their book In 2006, after five years of research on the physical and cognitive experience of sound in space, MIT Press published the book Spaces Speak, Are You Listening? Experiencing Aural Architecture(2006) embodies their shared philosophic bias: technology changes the social and artistic aspects of culture, while at the same time culture influences the properties of technology, invention, and innovation.
Barry Blesser, scientist
Dr. Barry Blesser received his Ph.D. in 1969 from MIT, and for the following nine years he continued as Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and research scientist in the Cognitive Information Processing Group. Being one of the pioneers of digital audio technology during the 1970s, he developed the first commercial artificial reverberation system which was used extensively in adding spatiality to recorded music. For the last forty years, he provided technical and management consulting services to more than fifty companies worldwide, founded several high-technology companies, received numerous patents, and published in a wide variety of professional journals.