Naar inhoud

User manual for students

comprehensive instructions


User manual for tutors

comprehensive instructions


Log in to your AHK account

a brief guide


Stages login without AHK account

read the instructions



troubleshooting the applications we work with


General information for tutors

to the overview page


Stages is the name of our digital learning environment. All communication regarding courses and education among Academy staff, tutors, and students occurs through Stages. Below you find a brief guide and next to this text (in the blue boxes) you see 2 different User Manuals. Those are comprehensive user manuals, 1 for students and 1 for tutors.  

A brief guide: how to enter?

There are two methods of logging in. Please check which one is applicable:

  1. If you have an AHK account:
    1. log in via
    2. click on the Quick Link Stages  
    3. choose: Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
  2. If you have received a login email from Leerpodium:
    1. log in via
    2. choose: Geen AHK account en toch inloggen
    3. The first time you will need to install two-step verification using  a authenticator on your phone → see manual

If you don’t know what is applicable or you would like to request login without AHK-account: send an email with your request to:


A brief guide: your own homepage

Once in Stages, you see your own personal homepage. The left menu shows your My messages (personal messages posted in your courses) and My courses (all courses you are assigned to). The middle menu shows Feed (messages from Academy staff) and the right menu shows a Calender with upcoming lessons and Deadlines with outstanding tasks.

A brief guide: your profile

You can access your own profile via the icon at the top right button in the blue bar. In the settings of your profile, you can adjust your theme (light/dark), enable the dyslexic font and change your avatar picture. In the description of your profile, you can give a short bio, that's up to you! If you scroll down to ‘Custom e-mail address’ you can add an extra (personal) email address for your notifications!


A brief guide: courses

The courses are the actual learning environment of our education.
'My courses' (in the left menu) gives you access to the courses you have been assigned to, and 'All Courses' (upper menu) gives an overview of all courses in our curriculum. When you are in the course envirement, you can see Messages (all messages sent within this course environment and addressed to you), the Description (the course descriptions from the study guide), Participants (all members of this course: students, tutors and academy staff) and Groups.


A brief guide: Groups

When you click on Groups, you will see an overview of all groups in this course (see image above). Every button is the name of the group (=name of the tutors) plus an image. By clicking on the name of the group you can access the group environment, it is yet not possible to click on the image. You have access to all groups within your course, but you can only send messages or upload resources in your own group. Once in the course environment, you need to use the small, grey horizontal upper menu (see image below).

This menu gives acces to 'Description' (the assignment description of this group, written by the tutor), 'Members' (the students of this group) and Messages (messages from members of this group) We request that all group communication will be done through Stages.


For questions about using the digital learning environment, please contact
For support with logging in, contact


User manual for students

comprehensive instructions


User manual for tutors

comprehensive instructions


Log in to your AHK account

a brief guide


Stages login without AHK account

read the instructions



troubleshooting the applications we work with


General information for tutors

to the overview page