The Landelijk Overleg Bouwkunst Opleidingen (National Consultation of Architecture Study programmes, LOBO) is the SECTORAL consultative body of the Council for Higher Professional Education for the Academies of Architecture. The Academy holds regular discussions with the academies in Rotterdam, Arnhem, Groningen and Tilburg, via the LOBO, on formal issues and new developments in higher professional education in general and in architectural education in particular, and adopts a joint position where necessary. The LOBO consults if requested, or where necessary, with government, professional organisations or fellow institutions.
The Dutch School of Landscape Architecture (DSL)
The Dutch School of Landscape Architecture (DSL) is a collaborative venture between the Netherlands Association for Garden and Landscape Architecture and the study programmes and research institutes for garden and landscape architecture in the Netherlands: Wageningen University, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam Academy of Architecture, Delft University of Technology and HAS University of Applied Sciences.
Universities of Applied Sciences
The Academy maintains intensive contact with the Universities of Applied Sciences (Hogescholen) that offer Bachelor’s programmes, among other ways, via the heads of programme, the coordinators and also various student ambassadors. Introductionary workshops are organised each year for those study programmes to introduce prospective candidates to the Academy and the design disciplines that are taught there.
Archiprix and Archiprix International
The Academy cooperates in the Archiprix foundation together with the other study programmes for academic and higher professional education in the fields of architecture, urbanism and landscape architecture. The aim of this foundation is to promote the influx of young designers into professional practice, to provide a national and international platform for the national design study programmes; and to promote the content and quality of design education in the Netherlands. Every year, an independent jury presents the so-called Archiprix to the most promising graduation plans. The Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam is allowed to nominate four plans a year. They are selected in an open competition by the board of studies with the assistance of a visiting critic.
In the almost 40-year existence of the prize, students from the Academy have received more than 40 awards and honourable mentions, thereby making the Academy the most successful study programme of its kind in the Netherlands. The biannual Archiprix International competition was established in 2001. The Academy submits a graduation plan from the last two years for participation herein. This submission is selected by the board of studies.
Amsterdam Centre for Architecture
The Amsterdam Centre for Architecture (ARCAM) coordinates the activities of a large number of institutions in the field of architecture. ARCAM and the Academy of Architecture regularly work collaborate, among other things, on lectures (1·Lectures), which are held fortnightly at the Academy of Architecture on Thursday evening from 20:00.