Tuğrul Avuçlu

Tuğrul Avuçlu


Matter of Food. Een nieuwe ontmoetingsplek voor de Spaarndammerbuurt

Making it easier for people to meet is an important element within architecture. As part of the public space, markets have an important function as social centre in urban life. In this graduation project, a food market has been designed that serves as a meeting place for the Spaarndammerbuurt and can thus contribute to the social cohesion.

Food constitutes a connecting element between the residents of the neighbourhood in this project. It provides the local residents with a place to come together, spend time, buy food products, cook and eat. The combination of, among other things, an outdoor marker, restaurant, and school gardens is aimed at appealing to a broad target group of different income levels, ethnic backgrounds and ages.

The building ties in with the existing block of buildings with space for the outdoor market at the front. The routing is an important element in the plan and connects the indoor and outdoor market with each other along the old existing church wall. The design of the building gives the market hall a contemporary interpretation, by consciously abandoning the common market hall typology.

Commission members: Machiel Spaan (mentor), Ira Koers, Chris Scheen. Additional members for the exam: Bart Bulter and Rik van Dolderen.

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