Capita Selecta: An Exacting Material

The public lecture series ‘An exacting material’ introduces seven european architects and architectural researchers who will speak about the tradition of the use of brick, the tectonic implications of the material and the way brick is used in contemporary architecture. The lecture series is part of the project ‘Tectonics in Contemporary Brick Architecture’, a research programme of the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture quided by lector material & design Jan Peter Wingender.
Further reading

Urbanism Now and Next

In this Capita Selecta lecture series ‘Urbanism Now and Next’ (April-May) the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture presents five perspectives of both clients and initiators in the field of urban development. How do they understand the world of today, and how is it developing?

April 25 
Rudy Stroink
Real Estate Developer
If you want to predict to future, you will have to make it

May 2
Jan Rotmans
Professor and founder of ICIS Maastricht, DRIFT and Urgenda
Transition Times, Area Development 3.0

May 16
Rients Dijkstra
State Advisor for Infrastructure and the city
The National Perspective

May 23
Ruimtevolk: Judith Lekkerkerker and Sjors de Vries
New Ownership in Spatial Planning

June 6
ZUS: Kristian Koreman and Elma van Boxel
Making City: This is how you do it
