Easy Goin'

The evolution of the profession of landscape architecture has been topic in lecture series organized by the Academy of Architecture. The Capita series Crafmanship and temptation (2003) for example addressed the disappearing 'public hand' in commissioning long-term landscape structures, the lack of critique and reflection on executed projects, the broad spectrum (Dutch) landscape architects work on and the fading knowledge of plants and trees.

In this Capita Selecta the focus wil be on the future of the profession within an international context. How do renowned or upcoming landscape architects perceive the challenge they have to face? How did the world (and the conditions for design) change and do we have to prepare ourselves?

All lectures start on Thursdays at 20:00 hrs.
Admission: free, no reservation possible
Location: Academy of Architecture, Waterlooplein 211, Amsterdam

10 April 2008
Julian Raxworthy [Australia]

17 April 2008
Sander Lap [The Netherlands]
Sander Lap, 1979, HTS and Academie van Bouwkunst Rotterdam; nominated for Archiprix; EUROPAN 2008 winner Nijmegen; since 2002 at West 8.

Sander Lap will lecture about the actual work of West 8 compared to the works 10 years ago. What is the consequence of not longer being a new bureau, but being establishment? Are landscape architecture and urban design still relevant categories in the work of the office or is it only about being a good designer? Is there still a Dutch tradition in the office, or is it time to think globally and leave national traditions?

24 April 2008
Thierry Kandjee [Madagascar]
Thierry Kandjee, 1973, Madagascar, ENSP Versailles, AVB Amsterdam 1997, firmed TAKTYK with Sebastian Penformis. Kandjee is seated in Paris and Barcelona and teaches in Versailles.

In his lecture Thierry Kandjee will show TAKTYK projects, address the ambition of a young international working office and give a perspective on the role of landscape architecture in the future. He will address climate change and the contemporary city. Showing works of the famous French generation of 1980-2000 (Clement, Brunier, Girot) and student ateliers nowadays he will show his fascination for manipulating earth and water.

8 May 2008
Catharine Mosbag [France]

15 May 2008
Günther Vogt [Switzerland]

22 May 2008
Marc Pouzol, Veronique Facheur [Germany]
