SIZE matters

What can we learn from modernistic total designs from the sixties and seventies where architecture, urbanism and landscape architecture overlap? From objects that due to their mere size, extreme contrasts or wayward orientation challenge the scale and context of the city. A series of lectures about the origin, the designers, the actual value and future of these hard headed giants.

14th of September
Wouter Vanstiphout
The New Town
After the second world war a large family of New Towns was built all over the globe. Wouter Vanstiphout will paint a worldwide panorama of the differences and similarities between the thousands of offspring of the universalist planning model of modernism and will describe the myriad ways in which the New Towns have been worn, torn, de- and reconstructed by their users.

21th of September
Peter Cook
In the 1960s the broadsheet Archigram developed quickly into an internationally known and intensively discussed focus point for new ideas. The group of young architects associated with the magazine created a series of experimental projects that were exhibited and published throughout the world.

29th of September
Hajime Yatsuka
Dealing with bigness
Inspired by Kenzo Tange?s radical 1960 Tokyo Bay Project and the Japanese Metabolism movement the architect, author and critic Hajime Yatsuka will present his thoughts on Bigness.

5th of October
David Heathcote
The Barbican
Penthouse over the City
Author David Heathcote will shed light on one of the most ambitious, and controversial, architectural undertakings of the last century; the Barbican Estate in London.

12th of October
Tony Monk
The Art and Architecture ofPaul Rudolph
Paul Rudolph was one of America's most talented Late Modernists whose dynamic designs and supurb graphics contributed to the golden age of the 1960s. Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, Robert Stern, Shin'Ichi Okada and Tony Monk were taught by Paul Rudolph at Yale University.

19th of October
Maarten Kloos
Norbert Gawronski
When 'BIG' building projects in Amsterdam were still possible to realize Norbert Gawronski made his designs for the Wibauthuis and Roeterseiland. Tonight he will tell his story. This interview / lecture will be in Dutch.

All lectures start at 20.00 hour
Free admission
No reservation possible
Reinwardt Academy, Dapperstraat 315 Amsterdam
