Suzanne Brugmans

Suzanne Brugmans

The route to Umu

Working together towards Kawongo’s resilient future

(dutch text will follow soon)

Throughout history, many people have settled near the rivers of Kenya because the fertile soils offered great opportunities for agriculture. However, this opportunity is now turning into adversity due to climate change and growing populations. Climate change is affecting different areas of the world disproportionately, with developing countries already feeling the extreme effects and having no means to counter them. 

As a landscape architect, I want to contribute to finding ways to create more climate resilience in affected areas. With this project, I hope to inspire and empower the community of Kawongo, Kenya, to create a sustainable and resilient future for generations to come. This involves tackling the main environmental challenges they face and changing the way they work with the landscape through a step-by-step approach that still allows people to sustain their livelihoods. 

The project focuses on creating a resilient landscape system centred around the local landmark of Umu Hill. In the plan, Umu Hill symbolizes the historic roots of the community and the area of Kawongo. But Umu Hill also represents the way forward, showing that with a change in land use, the rest of the area can work towards becoming like the green, biodiverse hotspot Umu Hill is now. 

The problems identified during interviews and site analysis are addressed in a community-driven landscape strategy consisting of large and small-scale interventions, their optimal locations, and contributors. 

Seeing the community's eagerness to think about climate change and their future has been truly inspiring. I have learned a lot from these people in the short time I've met them. Even with limited resources, their determination to tackle climate issues is clear. 

This project highlights how important it is for us to work together and prioritize sustainable practices, both locally and globally. If we don't act now, the future for these areas could be devastating. 

I hope this project can serve as a wake-up call for people here and be an inspiration for other areas that are affected by climate change in the same way as Kawongo.  

Let's make a positive impact on the world together! 


Afstudeerdatum: 27 augustus 2024
Afstudeercommissie: Maike van Stiphout (mentor), Remco Rolvink, Jandirk Hoekstra †  
Toegevoegde leden t.b.v. het examen: Kim Kool, Roel Wolters 

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