Kristina Petrauskaite
- Opleiding
- Architectuur
- Lichting
- 2016
Growing House
This project is an endeavor for proposing solutions for accommodation problems of elderly citizens. The projects aims to improve the housing and well-being of elderlies.
The 'Growing House' project introduces concepts and ways to use collective spaces for increasing interaction, collaboration and quality of life of its inhabitants. The combination use of nature, light and materials make it possible to merge the private and public life in a sense that habitants get the best out of the both. Mixture of private and public programmes within the building allows elderly with limited mobility to experience the richness of social urban life.
The project gives a new life to an old historical building located in Amsterdam's city center throughout using novel materials, spatial concepts and overlapping the public, private and in-between spaces. The building consists of courtyards, greeneries, internal streets and flexible spaces that create a diverse environment for its residents.
Commission: Jan-Richard Kikkert (mentor), Lada Hrsak, Rene Heijne. Additional members for the exam: Gus Tielens, Floor Arons.