Since September 2019, students of the Academy of Architecture can visit the new workplace MakerSpace of the AHK on the Marineterrein. Here you can work with VR, laser cutter, CNC frees and 3D printers. After following a mandatory class instruction, you will have access with your student pass during opening hours. Bo Jansen, Martijn Troost and/or Peter Schuitemaker are present Monday to Thursday (from 10:00 to 20:00) Friday and Saturday (from 9:00 to 17:00) to help you in the workshop. If the instructors are not present, you cannot use the machines.
For the actual opening hours please check the Makerspace-page on MyAHK
Marineterrein, Kattenburgerstraat 5, building 027 N, 1018 JA Amsterdam