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Study guide 2024-2025

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Programme details
Study load15 ECTS
PeriodJanuary - June
Application Online form
TeacherJos Rijs

Would you like to become an architect and are you considering a Master in Architecture at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture? Follow our compact and inspiring pre-master Architecture & Technology, in which architecture and the architectural practice form the basis. This pre-master is intended to bring technical knowledge to the required standard so that students with a different entry level in structural and technical fields can begin the Master’s in Architecture at the Academy of Architecture. You can register if you have a Bachelor’s degree in architectural design or interior architecture. 

Why this pre-master?

  • You will be introduced to general architecture based on short thematic presentations about specific architectural topics. We link a drawing exercise to each topic.
  • You will increase your insight into the relationship between the design and the load-bearing structure of buildings.
  • You will increase your knowledge of building physics, so that you know how to improve the living and working climate of buildings.
  • You will learn to substantiate your own designs technically and practically in various materials with details that are based on architectural principles.
  • You will learn to understand external and internal forces within the interplay between structure and structural members and to visualise these.
  • You will take on practical challenges: you will conclude the pre-master with a design exercise in which you will design integrally with technical knowledge and skill.
  • You will be inspired by excursions and fascinating lectures from professionals from the practice about their field of specialisation or about their fascination for an element of architecture.

And: when you have successfully completed the pre-master Architecture & Technology, you will be very well prepared for the Master in Architecture at the Academy of Architecture. You will have more chance of being directly admitted to the Master’s programme.

Practical teaching method
At the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam, we believe in ‘learning from experiences’ and ‘applying theory into practice’. Our way of teaching is adapted to these elements. The combination of studying and concrete practise is an essential part of this pre-master.

During the pre-master, you will work on the following learning objectives:

1. Increasing your general architectural basic knowledge, as a result of which more insight into how buildings are made will arise: from building systems in various materials down to the detail.

2. Knowledge and insight into mechanics and structure; skills in understanding external and internal forces within the interplay between structure and structural members.

3. Increasing your (building) physics knowledge of buildings in relation to the design process.

4. Independently learning to make detailed architectural drawings of various parts of building.

5. Various skills in terms of presentation techniques with which you will communicate your design.

Which prior education do you need for the pre-master Architecture & Technology? You can register if you satisfy the following conditions:

You have a Bachelor’s degree (Dutch HBO) in Architectural Design or Interior Architecture, Spatial Design, Urban Interior Architecture, Public Space (or similar). Other prior qualifications within the domain of Urbanism, Architecture and Construction Engineering, Constructional Engineering or the Visual Arts will be assessed on the basis of a portfolio, motivation letter and (if needed) an interview.
You have a command of mathematics A (wiskunde A) and English at least at Higher General Secondary Education (Dutch HAVO) level or mathematics C (wiskunde C) at least at pre-university education level (Dutch VWO). 
​​​​​​​You have level B2 in the English language

The language of instruction of the course is English. 

For your admission to the pre-master Architecture & Technology, send us your CV, your motivation letter, your portfolio and your obtained diplomas and lists of grades. Based on this, we assess whether you are suitable for the pre-master.

Selection procedure
A selection procedure is part of the admission to the pre-master Architecture & Technology. Selection is made by the admissions committee and is based on motivation, portfolio, and the stated requirements.

More students apply every year than we can admit to the course. Therefore, the selection is careful with attention to a good balance of different students.

Applicants who pass the first selection round will be invited to a 15-minute online interview with one or two members of the admissions committee.

The pre-master is not intended for students who:

  • are directly admitted to the master's program in Architecture
  • want to use the pre-master as a 'refresher course' or as better preparation for the master

Motivation letter
In your motivation letter you clearly indicate why you want to follow the pre-master Architecture & Technology. What is the goal you want to achieve by obtaining the pre-master?

Your portfolio is a compactly designed document in which you show what design and drawing experience you have gained so far.

  • Make sure it is publicly accessible to us, without the use of login codes or registration procedures.
  • Please limit your portfolio to a maximum of about twenty pages.
  • For a good portfolio, see also the Portfolio Tips & Tricks

We offer the pre-master Architecture & Technology one time per year: 

  • In the second semester: from January up to and including June.

The application for the pre-master for the second semester 2024-2025 is closed. For 2025-2026 you can apply from early September 2025. You will find the application form here on the website. 

Minimum number of participants
The pre-master takes place with a minimum of eight participants. Six weeks before the start of the pre-master you know whether it will definitely start.


  • The course fee for the pre-masters of the academic year 2024-2025 is € 1.265.

These costs exclude additional sums for study materials, excursions, literature and food and drinks during workshops.

When will you receive a pass for the pre-master?

You will end the course with a pass when you have passed all examinations, both on the theory and design components.

Have you successfully completed the pre-master Architecture & Technology and received a positive recommendation from the lecturers? In that case, you will have an increased chance of being admitted to the Master in Architecture at the Academy of Architecture.

Our Master’s programme will train you to become a skilful and authentic spatial designer. You will learn to clearly (re)formulate design assignments and form powerful conceptual ideas. You will know how to translate these into concrete spatial design proposals. In addition, you will learn how to present a plan in an attractive way and how you should enter into debate about your design considerations.

Please note: if you pass the pre-master Architecture & Technology, this does not mean that you will automatically be admitted to the Master in Architecture. As is the case with other Bachelor’s students, we will assess your definitive admission on the basis if your portfolio and motivation letter.

Are you doubting whether you meet the admission requirements? Have you got questions about the registration? Do you have any other questions?

Feel free to send an email with your question to us via



What will your timetable look like?

The pre-master Architecture & Technology has three fixed times for lessons per week:

  • Monday from 19:30-22:30
  • Wednesday from 19:30-22:30
  • Friday from 09:30-12:30 and from 13:30-16:30

We also occasionally organise activities during the day on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Which subjects and programme components will you follow?


Study guide 2024-2025

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