Streetworks: Henk Hartzema
Henk Hartzema was lector on Design in Urbanism at the Academy from 2009 to 2011. In the international project ‘Streetworks, patterns in urbanity’, he researched the function of the street in the European cities Amsterdam, Brussels, Edinburgh, Helsinki, Porto and Zagreb, together with students and lecturers of the Academy.
The students and lecturers concentrated on the binding function of the city street: the study into the linear space, orientation within the city and environment and the role of architecture within this urban context. The research was focused on understanding the layered urban reality of the street - significance, history, functions and perception - by fixing the gaze on traditions and ideological outlooks elsewhere in Europe.
See more images on Flickr:
Streetworks workshop
Streetworks Capita Selecta
Expert meeting Streetworks
Streetworks exhibition
Street parade