The C4/C6 lectures consist of different (international) speakers, themes and cases each year, in which the relationships and interaction between theory, society and design are revealed. This semester, you are warmly invited to join the lectures through a livestream.
Softwarization and Design's Socio-Technics
by Galo Canizares
Today, as the world congeals into hard- and soft- ware, designers are struggling to find ways to reconcile their agency and reliance on interfaces and platforms. They argue over whether media produced with Rhino3D is a drawing or an image, and put much blind faith into systems borrowed from software companies for a small monthly fee. This discussion will be an overview of design's changing relationship to media (by way of software). It will focus on the new consciousness emerging out of what John May calls "postorthography," and suggest ways to come to terms with our world of formats, electronic signals, software subscriptions, and platforms.